DC dyke fest 2019

Performance: Mayah Lovell
Photos, Video: Mary Wright
Organized by DC Dyke March 2019
grave in me
deep within where your meat shows.
naivety of you just picking at and inside yourself where I pointed and you shaking your head yes yes yes yes yes
several women with children in their bellies were torturing their own knees bleeding and close to broken.
my space a reservoir and
yours vacant your presence our only vector
i smell burning animals from a local butcher
an exhalation of subordination on everything that was mine
over her head
one woman believed in God and prayed for her on her knees.
a bind to tether her to my general sphere. i pulled the bind taut and sat next to her
the first time i basked in vanilla lying on my back with one knee facing upward
one of your thighs on either side and me thinking "who taught her this?"
my first romantic portal. she was a lamb. high tolerance for pain. a meek presence with thick skin beneath. my favourite kind is fun to chase.
she says "god sent her shoes and maybe he's real" she lied right before digging a grave in me. i always wish the woman had not prayed.

when I lost her, it was a mystery
she felt like my favorite orgasm
one that i gave myself years ago
with the water running over me
and my pupils to the back of my head
and both of my ends full of my hands
when i lost her to
violence her fingers stroking
palm-sized weapons in her pocket and mislay her to hot bent metal too
the impermanent outcome of my recaptivity
dressed in detachment
filling time, passing the belly
memory of needles all over her skin
volition to press herself away from me and grind the wall instead
all over her lower body a chastity
the wall knowing, articulating inaudible sobs, struck-dumb
they say i should have been over her
over her lower body a chastity
my body oval
i should have been over her
over her lower body a chastity
my body oval
i should have been over her
over her lower body a chastity
my body oval
i should have been over her
over her lower body a chastity
my body oval
i should have been over her
over her lower body a chastity
my body oval