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July, 2020
SUMACURAE is a word i coined via latin word SUMMA + CURAE meaning boundless, indefinite care. its the intention i have for this show, for life, for love. Leighah and i started planning in May to gather our writing communities for a show in June for "pride" month. when GeorgeFloyd was murdered so much changed... as a #community we all took on #pridewrath. of course i was mourning, and in pits. we were super focused on direct #tangible ways to care for #Black family.
a 2-day performance series featuring performance-writers and artists - July 11 & 12, 2-4pm EST.
Event held on end-to-end encrypted jisti, link is
$8000 in funds were raised and redistributed
1) directly to the Black performers participating
2) to @forthegworls & @queertheland, both BLACK LGBTQIA orgs.
saturday readers
Maud @daintyfunk
Khadija Carr @khadija.jahmila
Proxy @ms.proxy
Carolina Meurkens
MANIIK @baby.gamelan
Rachel Kim
Mayah Lovell @mayahalovell_art
Suzie Doogan @ennaseazudoonag Olivia Braley @OliviaBraley
sunday readers
Medkes Sisay @mekdibaby
Nenna Amuchie @theafrolegalise
Fabiola Ching @hermetic_state
Dorian Blue @thedorianblue
Belly Shin @themonstrations
Michelle Luong @mershe11y
Tara Gupta @tara.raani
Cleo Abramian @hair_mouth
Leighah Scully @LRScully
Sybil M @its_sybil_bxtch
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